
Riksbanken arrangerar konferenser och workshops där internationella forskare presenterar sin forskning och diskuterar aktuella forskningsområden.

Konferenserna har centralbanksrelevanta teman som till exempel centralbanksledarskap, konjunkturcykelsmodeller, produktivitet och statistiska analysmetoder.


Konferenssidorna visas endast på engelska.


Vid eventuella frågor kontakta Lena Löfgren
E-post: lena.lofgren@riksbank.se

Datum Rubrik
Call for Papers - Housing, Credit and Heterogeneity: New Challenges for Stabilization Policies. September 13-14 2018
Öppet forum: Hur självständig kan en centralbank vara?
The Future of Forward Guidance
Workshop on Challenges in Interconnected Financial Systems
Riksbank macroprudential conference
Rethinking the Central Bank’s mandate – konferens 3-4 juni
Call for papers - Workshop on Challenges in Interconnected Financial Systems 109 kB
Conference - Non Banks in payment market, October 2015
Riksbank macroprudential conference, June 2015
Conference on “Inequality and Macroeconomics” 47 kB
Macroprudential Policy Conference, November 2014
Two Decades of Inflation Targeting: Main Lessons and Remaining Challenges
Inflation, Unemployment and Monetary Policy
Sovereign Debt and Default, September 20-21, 2012
ESCB Day-ahead conference, August 17, 2011
Riksbank and ECB Conference on Bank Resolution
Sveriges Riksbank and SNS, Stockholm, Sweden: Monetary Policy in an Era of Fiscal Stress. 16–17 June, 2011
Beliefs and Business Cycles. September 8-9, 2011
Workshop on Housing Markets, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability, Friday 12 November 2010
Sveriges Riksbank conference on "The Labor Market and the Macroeconomy", September 2–3, 2010
Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy: Challenges for Central Banks. November 6-7, 2009
Modeling and Forecasting Economic and Financial Time Series with State Space models, October 17-18, 2008
Household Indebtedness, House Prices and the Economy, September 19-20, 2008
Refining Monetary Policy: Transparency and Real Stability, September 5-6, 2008
Understanding and Predicting Productivity Growth, November 30 - December 1, 2007
Workshop on exchange rate determination
The Governance of Central Banks, August 31-September 1, 2006
Paneldebatt om globalisering, arbetsmarknad och penningpolitik den 15 augusti
Structural Analysis of Business Cycles in the Open Economy, 9-10 December, 2005
Inflation targeting: implementation, communication and effectiveness, 10-12 June, 2005
Banking, Financial Stability and the Business Cycle, 27-28 August 2004
Small Structural Models for Monetary Policy Analysis Progress, Puzzles, and Opportunities, June 6-7, 2003
Central Bank Efficiency, May 23-24, 2003
Monetary Policy and Financial Markets in an Enlarged European Union, May 17-18, 2002
Vector Autoregressive Models for Monetary Policy Analysis, October 26-27, 2001
Asset Markets and Monetary Policy, June 16-17, 2000
Challenges for Modern Central Banking, January 15-16, 2000
Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Fluctuations, August 24-25, 1999
Credit Risk Modelling, June 10, 1999

Kommande seminarier

13/02/2018, 11:00

Rickard Sandberg, Stockholm School of Economics and Nikolaos Kourentzes, Lancaster University

A hierarchical approach to forecasting Scandinavian unemployment

Visa seminarier