Central Bank Efficiency, May 23-24, 2003

Workshop, Sveriges Riksbank

The purpose of the workshop is to gather a relatively small number of researchers and central bankers in order to discuss issues such as

  • How can economic analysis be informative about the tasks that should be assigned to a central bank?
  • How can efficiency in achieving the goals be measured? What is the current state of knowledge based on research that has been done so far and on practical experiences?
  • How can efficiency in micro policies (supervision, regulation, payments systems) be measured?
  • What might be a framework for analysing efficient monetary policy?
  • What is the desirable degree of international coordination in bank regulation and in monetary policy? And how can it be measured?

The workshop is organized by Mårten Blix and Anders Vredin, Monetary Policy Department, and Sonja Daltung, Research Department.


The conference secretary is Helena Matheou.

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