ESCB Day-ahead conference, August 17, 2011

Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, Sweden

Wednesday, 17 August

08:00 – 08:25 Registration and coffee/breakfast
08:25 – 08:30 Welcome


Session I, Systemic risk, bank runs and contagion
Chair: Jakob De Haan, De Nederlandsche Bank


8:30 – 10:30

“Systemic risk diagnostics: coincident indicators and early warning signals”
Berndt Schwaab, European Central Bank [Paper]
Siem Jan Koopman, VU University Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute
André Lucas, VU University Amsterdam
Discussant: Roland Meeks, Bank of England 


“Identifying VARs through Heterogeneity: An Application to Bank Runs”
Ferre De Graeve, Sveriges Riksbank [Paper]
Alexei Karas, Roosevelt Academy
Discussant: Javier Mencia, Banco de España


"Systemic Risk Contributions"
Natalia Puzanova, Deutsche Bundesbank [Paper]
Klaus Düllmann, Deutsche Bundesbank
Discussant: Chen Zhou, De Nederlandsche Bank


10:30 - 11:00 Coffee


Session II, Macroprudential policy, transparency and capital regulation
Chair: Katerina Smidkova, Czech National Bank


11:00 – 13:00

“Capital Regulation and Tail Risk”
Enrico Perotti, University of Amsterdam
Lev Ratnovski, IMF [Paper]
Razvan Vlahu, De Nederlandsche Bank
Discussant: Morten Bech, Bank for International Settlements   


“Credit Capital and Crises: A Theory of Counter-cyclical Macroprudential Policy”
David Aikman, Bank of England [Paper]
Benjamin Nelson, Bank of England
Misa Tanaka, Bank of England
Discussant: Bent Vale, Norges Bank


“Procyclical Transparency”
Diego Moreno, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Tuomas Takalo, Finlands Bank [Paper]
Discussant: Laurent Clerc, Banque de France


13:00 – 14:30 Lunch + lunch talk Lars E.O. Svensson, Deputy Governor, Sveriges Riksbank

Session III, Central bank policies and bank behavior
Chair: Wilko Bolt, De Nederlandsche Bank


14:30 – 15:50

“Do Banks Take More Risk In Extended Periods of Expansive Monetary Policy? Evidence
from a Natural Experiment”
Paul Gaggl, UC Davis [Paper]
Maria Teresa Valderama, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Discussant: Angela Maddaloni, European Central Bank 


“Central Bank Lending and Money Market Discipline”
Marie Hoerova, European Central Bank [Paper]
Cyril Monnet, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Discussant: Itai Agur, De Nederlandsche Bank


15:50 – 16:20 Tea

Session IV, Cross border banking
Chair: Kasper Roszbach, Sveriges Riksbank


16:20 – 17:40

”Bank risk-taking abroad: Does home-country regulation and supervision matter?”
Steven Ongena, Tilburg University
Alexander Popov, European Central Bank [Paper]
Greg Udell, Indiana University
Discussant: Michael Koetter, Sveriges Riksbank and Groningen University


“Running for the exit: International banks and crisis transmission”
Ralph De Haas, EBRD
Neeltje Van Horen, De Nederlandsche Bank [Paper]
Discussant: Antonella Foglia, Banca d’Italia


17:40 – 17:45 Closing remarks

17:45 Reception and buffet

Time allocation for conference
Presentation: 20 minutes
Discussion: 10 minutes
Questions: 8 minutes


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