Programme for long SEK loans at variable interest rate


The Riksbank announced on 13 February that it would be offering loans in Swedish kronor at longer maturities and at a variable interest rate. Loans against normal collateral will be offered with maturities of 3 and 6 months. Loans with commercial paper as collateral will be offered at maturities of 3, 6 and 12 months.


The loans will be offered through an auction procedure and will have maturities of around 3, 6 and 12 months. The maturities that are relevant for the respective auctions are shown in the plan below. The date and exact conditions for each auction will be published at least two days prior to each auction (at least four days for loans against collateral in commercial paper). The announced sums will be set taking into account the prevailing market conditions and the outcome of previous auctions.


The minimum interest rate in the auctions with normal collateral will be set at the average repo rate during the maturity of the loan with a supplement of 0.15 percentage points regardless of the maturity. The loans in Swedish kronor offered with commercial paper as collateral will have a minimum interest rate corresponding to the average repo rate during the maturity of the loan, with a supplement of 0.20 percentage points regardless of the maturity.


Dates for planned auctions for SEK loans against normal collateral

Auction date

Payment date

Maturity date

Replaces previous loan

23 Feb 2009 25 Feb 2009 20 May 2009 Yes
23 Feb 2009 25 Feb 2009 12 Aug 2009 No
9 March 2009 11 March 2009 3 June 2009 Yes
20 March 2009 24 March 2009 17 June 2009 Yes
20 March 2009 24 March 2009 9 Sep 2009 No
6 April 2009 8 April 2009 1 July 2009 Yes
20 April 2009 22 April 2009 15 July 2009 No
20 April 2009 22 April 2009 7 Oct 2009 No
4 May 2009 6 May 2009 29 July 2009 No
18 May 2009 20 May 2009 12 Aug 2009 No
18 May 2009 20 May 2009 4 Nov 2009 No
1 June 2009 3 June 2009 26 Aug 2009 Yes
15 June 2009 17 June 2009 9 Sep 2009 Yes
15 June 2009 17 June 2009 2 Dec 2009 No

Note. The Riksbank may change the dates of the auctions if the circumstances make this appropriate. Any changes will be notified in good time.


Dates for planned auctions for SEK loans against commercial paper as collateral

Auction date

Payment date

Maturity date

20 Feb 2009 26 Feb 2009 19 May 2009
20 Feb 2009 26 Feb 2009 11 Aug 2009
4 March 2009 10 March 2009 2 June 2009
4 March 2009 10 March 2009 9 Feb 2010
18 March 2009 24 March 2009 16 June 2009
18 March 2009 24 March 2009 8 Sep 2009
1 April 2009 7 April 2009 30 June 2009
1 April 2009 7 April 2009 9 March 2010
15 April 2009 21 April 2009 14 July 2009
15 April 2009 21 April 2009 6 Oct 2009
27 April 2009 5 May 2009 28 July 2009
27 April 2009 5 May 2009 6 April 2010
13 May 2009 19 May 2009 11 Aug 2009
13 May 2009 19 May 2009 3 Nov 2009

Note. The Riksbank may change the dates of the auctions if the circumstances make this appropriate. Any changes will be notified in good time.

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