Irma Rosenberg leaves the Riksbank at the end of the year


First Deputy Governor Irma Rosenberg will leave the Riksbank on 31 December when her period of office expires. Irma Rosenberg has been a member of the Executive Board of the Riksbank since 1 January 2003 and has now notified the General Council that she will not be available for re-election to the Board.

”I have had six very exciting and instructive years at the Riksbank. Further important steps have been taken to increase openness and to further develop the Bank’s methods of working with monetary policy and financial stability. It has really been a privilege to be entrusted the task of taking part in this work. It has been a source of inspiration to be surrounded by so many knowledgeable and dedicated employees and colleagues. I will miss my place of work. But my period of office expires now and bearing in mind my age, I have decided that the time has come to spend more time with family and friends and on leisure activities," comments Irma Rosenberg.

”On behalf of the General Council of the Riksbank, I would like to thank Irma Rosenberg for her very valuable contribution to the Riksbank and the Swedish economy over many years. Irma has with great energy, gravity and her personal qualities helped to develop the monetary policy analysis work at the Riksbank. Her period of office expires at the end of the year and the General Council now has plenty of time for the process of appointing a new member to the Executive Board,” say the Chairman of the General Council Johan Gernandt and the Vice Chairman Leif Pagrotsky in a joint comment.

Contact info

ohan Gernandt, Chairman of the General Council, tel. +46 734 15 26 01, Leif Pagrotsky, Vice Chairman of the General Council, tel. +46 70 300 18 24,Pernilla Meyersson, Director of Communications, tel. +46 8 787 05 05

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