Deputy Governor Kristina Persson not available for reappointment to Executive Board


Deputy Governor Kristina Persson, whose appointment to the Executive Board expires on 1 May 2007, has informed the General Council that she is not available for reappointment.

”I am 61 years old and have been a member of the Executive Board of the Riksbank for almost six years. It has been exciting to follow at close quarters developments in the global and the Swedish economy, and to have responsibility for monetary policy together with other Board members and colleagues at the Riksbank. I have found it very stimulating to try to convey our discussions on the economy and monetary policy to a broader public. One of the issues I have considered particularly important has been to develop and deepen our contacts with our principal, the members of the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament)," says Kristina Persson.

"I feel that I now wish to devote myself to broader spectrums of economic and political issues both within Sweden and abroad, including the way that globalisation affects the labour market and democracy in a long-term perspective. I have therefore given the General Council considerable advance warning before my appointment expires that I will not be available for reappointment.

As of 1 January 1999, the Riksbank is governed by an Executive Board that is appointed by a General Council. The Executive Board consists of six members, who are appointed for a period of six years. In order to achieve continuity, the first appointments were made for terms of different lengths, whereby the Board is renewed successively.


Contact info

Deputy Governor Kristina Persson, tel. +46 8 7870711

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