Commemorative banknote – 250th anniversary of Tumba Bruk paper mill


To celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Tumba Bruk paper mill Sveriges Riksbank is issuing a commemorative banknote with the denomination 100 kronor. The note has been furnished with modern security features but has an old design. The motif on the face of the note is ‘Mother Svea’, in keeping with the one used on notes at the end of the 19th century. The main motif on the reverse of the note is an old blueprint of Tumba Bruk and a picture of paper manufacture from the 18th century.

The note will be issued in a limited edition of 100,000 and will be delivered in a folder. The sales price is SEK 150.

It is extremely rare that commemorative banknotes are issued. In Sweden it has only occurred on two previous occasions: in 1948 (King Gustaf V’s 90th birthday) and in 1968 (the 300th anniversary of the Riksbank).

The official issuance date is 26 May, when the Post Office will also be marking the 250th anniversary of Tumba Bruk by issuing a commemorative stamp. The issue of the commemorative banknote and stamp will formally take place at a ceremony in Gothenburg on 26 May.

The commemorative banknote can be ordered as of 2 May on the Riksbank’s website,, or by telephone at +46 8 787 02 50.

The note will be on sale at the Royal Coin Cabinet in Stockholm. Other wholesale dealers will also be able to buy the note for further sale.

The price of the banknote has been set with a view to covering marketing and other sales costs. The note will not normally be used in daily trade although it will be legal tender.

Further information and pictures of the commemorative banknote can be found on the Riksbank’s website,

The anniversary is also being celebrated with the inauguration of the Tumba Bruk museum on 4 June. The museum has been established on the Riksbank’s initiative and will be run by the Royal Coin Cabinet.

Contact info

Per-Olof Arevik, Banknotes and Coins Division, tel. +46 8 787 04 84

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