Riksbank’s Annual Report 2003


The Executive Board of the Riksbank has decided to adopt the annual report for 2003.


The Riksbank reported a loss of SEK 9.3 billion. The krona appreciation during 2003 led to a loss of SEK 12.5 billion, because of the foreign currency reserve being recorded at market value.


The Riksbank's earnings over the past five years are shown in the table below (MSEK).







Interest income

5 316 7 220 9 197 9 572 8 347

Price effect

-627 6 670 269 5 131 -6 328

Exchange rate effect

-12 480 -13 161 9 133 6 224 2 038

Gold valuation effect

-180 774 2 008 654 940

Other costs

-1 309 -1 574 -1 330 -1 272 -1 072

Resutl for the year

-9 280 -71 19 277 20 309 3 925

The item "Other costs" largely consists of the costs for banknotes and coins, personnel, administration and costs of a one-off nature.

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Leif Jacobsson, Director of Communications, tel. +46-8-787 0414

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