Percentage of private travel increasing in travel statistics

The Riksbank has commissioned Statistics Sweden to carry out a survey of Swedish households with regard to travel abroad during the period August 1999 to July 2000. According to this survey, private travel amounted to SEK 46.7 billion (67 per cent) and business travel to SEK 23.5 billion (33 per cent) of total travel abroad. The survey concerned the distribution of travel between business trips and private trips and the countries where travellers had expenditure. Corresponding surveys have been carried out on two previous occasions; in 1990 and 1995.

The result shows an increase in the percentage of private travel of 5 per cent, compared with the previous survey in 1995, and a corresponding decrease in business travel.

The largest expenditure for private travel was in Spain, followed by Denmark and Greece. Expenditure in connection with private travel to Spain amounted to SEK 8.3 billion, which is 18 per cent of total private travel. The corresponding figures for Denmark were SEK 5.4 billion and 12 per cent, and for Greece SEK 3.9 billion and 8 per cent.

The largest expenditure in connection with business travel was in the USA, followed by Germany and the UK. SEK 3.7 billion was spent in the USA, which constitutes 15 per cent of total business travel. The corresponding figures for Germany were SEK 3 billion and 13 per cent and for the UK, SEK 2.1 billion and 9 per cent.

Travel statistics are included as a sub-item in the balance on the Swedish current account. The net total for travel has always been negative in the current account. Swedes spend more money abroad than foreigners spend in Sweden. The latest full year statistics are for 1999, showing a deficit of SEK 32 billion. Statistics published so far for 2000 indicate a deficit of SEK 37 billion.

The complete report (currently only available in Swedish) can be downloaded from the Riksbank’s web site (select Publikationer in the main menu and then Undersökningar from the list given). The survey on travel can also be ordered from Information Riksbanken; e-mail:, tel. +46-8-7870100, fax +46-8-7870526.

Further information can be obtained from the Monetary Policy Department, Ingvar Karlsson, tel. +46-8-7870210 or Magnus Svensson, +46-8-7870226.

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