60 per cent of the population support the inflation target

Sixty per cent of Sweden's population support the Riksbank's target of 2 per cent inflation, while 12 per cent are opposed to the target. These figures come from a recent opinion poll commissioned by the Riksbank.

The survey shows that the proportion of people who believe the Riksbank will achieve the target has risen sharply, from 27 per cent last March to 50 per cent in December.

Half of the population (50 per cent) consider the Riksbank conducts monetary policy in the right way, while 11 per cent are of the opposite opinion. Of those who have a definite view, 82 per cent are in favour of the Riksbank's monetary policy.

As regards participation in the European exchange rate mechanism, ERM, half of the population (49 per cent) consider that the Swedish krona ought not to participate. The figure is virtually the same in every social group, irrespective of sex, age and occupation. Those in favour of ERM participation amount to 22 per cent.

The survey was carried out in the first two weeks in December 1996 by Eureka Research. Responses were obtained from 1,000 persons aged 16-74 years. The margins of error range from +/-1.4 to 3.2 percentage points. The surveys are done to measure what Swedes know about their central bank.

For further information, please contact:
Michael Wallin, Press Officer, phone: Int. +46 8 787 04 18.


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