The financial crisis and the recession characterised the Riksbank's activities in 2009


During 2009, the Riksbank's activities continued to be characterised by the global financial crisis and a severe international recession. The Riksbank's net income increased during the year by SEK 3 billion to SEK 14.2 billion. This can be seen in the Riksbank's Annual Report, which was submitted to the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament) today.


"2009 was a turbulent year. It was a year in which the international financial crisis held the Swedish economy in its grip. A dramatic year, which, despite vigorous measures by central banks and other authorities around the world, was characterised by the worst economic recession for many decades. There were signs of a recovery during the latter part of the year, although there was still a lot of uncertainty about the future course of development and the road ahead was lined with risks. Events continued to make great demands on the operations of the Riksbank," says the Governor of the Riksbank, Stefan Ingves, in his comments on the Riksbank's Annual Report 2009.


The Annual Report includes a review of the measures taken by the Riksbank to restore confidence in the financial markets, to maintain financial stability and to counteract the effects of the crisis on economic activity. The Riksbank also reports on the effects of its monetary policy work and describes the results of the work on its other assignments during 2009. The Annual Report also contains the Riksbank's profit and loss account and balance sheet.


The Riksbank will publish printed English and Swedish versions of the Annual Report on 30 March 2010.

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