International Monetary Fund assesses financial stability in Sweden


At the invitation of the Ministry of Finance and the Riksbank,  the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will visit Sweden  in February/March 2011 to make a structural assessment of the financial sector, what is known as an FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program). This assessment will entail the IMF analysing the financial sector, the public authorities, legislation and financial supervision in Sweden. The IMF will also include in its report any shortcomings and risks that are detected and propose measures for dealing with them.


The IMF has carried out FSAPs in almost all member countries since 1999 and they have also made a second assessment for a number of countries. Sweden had its first FSAP during 2001/2002.


The plan is that the results of the FSAP for Sweden will be discussed by the IMF Board in summer 2011 and will be published after that.


In Sweden the Ministry of Finance, the Riksbank and Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) will be the main contributors to the FSAP work. The Swedish Government and  those authorities have begun work on coordinating the preparations for the IMF visit.


Contact person at the Riksbank: Göran Lind, +46-8-787 0464

Contact person at the Ministry of Finance: Eva-Lena Norgren, +46-8-405 1854

Contact person at Finansinspektionen: Malin Omberg, +46-8-787 8041

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