Monetary Policy with a Flexible Exchange Rate

December 1992


  • Foreword
    – Bengt Dennis

  • Pros and Cons of a Flexible Exchange Rate
    – Hans Lindberg

  • Targets and Indicators with a Flexible Exchange Rate
    – Lars E.O. Svensson

  • Swedish Price Stabilization Policy, 1931-1939 – The Riksbank and Knut Wicksell´s Norm
    – Lars Jonung

  • Formulation of Monetary Policy with a Flexible Exchange Rate in Canada and new Zealand
    – Christina Lindenius

  • Switzerland´s Experience of a Floating Exchange Rate
    – Kerstin Mitlid

  • Budget Development in a Medium -Term Perspective
    – Krister Andersson

  • Swedish Economic Policy under New Conditions
    – Lars Hörngren

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