Swedish portfolio holdings 2005


The total value of Swedish portfolio assets abroad amounted at the end of 2005 to SEK 2, 389 billion. That is an increase of 32 per cent compared with 2004. This is one conclusion of the annual survey of Swedish investors’ holdings of foreign equity securities and debt securities, published by the Riksbank today.

The increase in value of shares and mutual fund units is mainly due to rising equity prices and a weakened Swedish krona while the increased holdings in debt securities are explained by purchases.

The survey also shows that around 80 per cent of Swedes’ total foreign portfolio was invested in the EU area and in the United States. The largest holder category for portfolio assets is the sector “Other financial institutions”, which includes insurance companies and mutual finds.

The data in the survey are part of a global survey conducted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The Swedish report can be downloaded from the Riksbank’s website, www.riksbank.se or ordered from pi@riksbank.se


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Camilla Hagman-Falkler tel. +46-8-7870256, Gunnar Blomberg tel. +46-8-7870146

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