The Riksbank takes over the activities in Svensk Kontantförsörjning AB

At an extraordinary general meeting on Wednesday, 29 September, the Riksbank’s subsidiary Svensk Kontantförsörjning AB (SKAB) decided that the company’s activities would be transferred to the Riksbank on 1 October. The decision follows that of the Riksbank’s Executive Board on 19 August to continue to enhance the efficiency of the Bank's cash management activities (see press release no. 50, 20 August). The decision means that the operational activities will be transferred to and coordinated with the Riksbank’s own activities in the field. Negotiations are in progress regarding contractual arrangements and the surplus staff in the cash management activities.

At an extraordinary general meeting today of the Riksbank’s company Pengar i Sverige AB (PSAB), it was decided to approve the sale of assets and other items from PSAB to Securitas Värde AB.

There are no longer any operational activities being conducted in SKAB or PSAB. The final liquidation of the companies is expected to be completed before the end of next year. Gunnar Bäckman, chairman of the boards of both companies, will thereby be leaving his assignments. New boards of directors have been elected at the general meetings. Björn Hasselgren, head of department with responsibility for matters relating to the Riksbank’s companies, has been elected as new chairman of the boards of directors. Kersti Eriksen and Kai Barvèll, both employed at the Riksbank, will remain on the boards.

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Björn Hasselgren, tel. +46 8 787 04 72

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