Packing error in banknote consignment investigated

Contact: Mats Galvenius, Head of Market Operations Department, tel. +46-8-787 0467, +46-70-267 7014, or Per-Olof Arevik, tel. +46-8-787 04 84, +46-70-579 96 07


It was deficiencies in the packing routines at Crane AB that caused the discrepancy of a deficit of SEK 100,000 when packing a consignment of new banknotes to be despatched from Crane AB to the Riksbank. This was the conclusion of an internal investigation reported to the Executive Board of the Riksbank at their meeting on Tuesday.

As soon as the discrepancy was detected in the autumn, the Riksbank began an investigation of the causes behind the error, and to ensure that similar errors would not occur again. Both the Riksbank and Crane AB have carried out extensive inventories and other checks. These show that no further discrepancies have arisen. The conclusion is that the discrepancy that arose was solely due to a packing error and that no irregularities have occurred.

As the packing error has now been rectified and Crane AB has implemented new checking regulations, in consultation with the Riksbank, the Riksbank now considers the matter to be closed.

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