Riksbank publishes The Swedish Financial Market

The Riksbank has today published "The Swedish Financial Market". This annual publication provides an outline of the structure and functioning of the Swedish financial sector.

The aim of "The Swedish Financial Market" is to provide a pedagogical and easy to grasp description of the Swedish financial sector. A natural definition has been to describe the most important markets and operators based in Sweden.

The Swedish version of the publication can be downloaded from the Riksbank's website, www.riksbank.se, under the heading Publications. It can also be collected at the entrance to the Riksbank, Malmskillnadsgatan 7. The publication can also be ordered from Sveriges Riksbank, tel: +46-8-787 01 00, fax: +46-8-787 05 26, or e-mail: förrådet.

An English version will be available at the end of June.

Further information can be obtained from the Financial Stability Department:

Johan Molin, tel: +46-8-787 07 14,
Siv-Britt Isaksson, tel: +46-8-787 01 89,
Malin Hübner, tel: +46-8-787 07 64,
Anders Bjällskog, tel: +46-8-787 04 43

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