Riksbank issues coin to commemorate Stockholm's 750th anniversary

The Riksbank is issuing a 200-krona commemorative coin in silver and a 2,000-krona coin in gold on the occasion of Stockholm's 750th anniversary in 2002.

The prices of the coins are set at SEK 250 and SEK 2,500 respectively.

The launch of the new coins will take place at the Royal Coin Cabinet (Kungliga myntkabinettet) at 2.00 p.m. At the launch, Riksbank Governor Urban Bäckström will present the coins to the City of Stockholms and the Royal Coin Cabinet, which is Sweden's national museum for economy (coins, medals and the history of money). Participation in the launch will require showing a press card or invitation. Riksbank Governor Urban Bäckström will also present the coins to the King Carl XVI Gustaf during the course of the morning.

Both of the coins' obverse sides show the large tower of Stockholm city hall, with the towers from the southern and eastern façades on either side. The reverse of the gold coin shows the City of Stockholm's oldest seal, which depicts a wall with towers and pinnacles. The seal dates back to the 1280s and has been preserved in around ten impressions from 1296-1324. The reverse of the silver coin shows the City of Stockholm's seal, which depicts a castle with walls, towers and pinnacles. The seal dates back to 1326 and was last used in 1607.

The artist is Bo Thorén, who has previously designed a number of commemorative coins and medals. The coins are manufactured by Nordic Coin AB Svenska myntverket in Eskilstuna.

More information on the coin can be found on this website under the heading notes and coins.

Any further questions can be answered by Anders Ekström, and Per-Olof Arevik, Cashier's Division, both reached via the Riksbank switchboard +46-8-787 00 00.

The coins can be ordered from:  
Nordic Coin AB Svenska myntverket 
Box 401     and
631 06 ESKILSTUNA   
Telephone: +46-16-42 81 00  
Fax: +46-16-42 81 20.


The coins can also be bought from
The Royal Coin Cabinet in Stockholm
Slottsbacken 6


Stockholms stadsmuseum Ryssgården

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