Preliminary financial market statistics for March and April 2002

The Riksbank normally publishes financial market statistics on the 15th and 30th day respectively after the end of the month. However, the reporting for the first months of 2002 has been delayed and will be delayed further. The delay is due to new reporting routines which require a learning period for both the Riksbank and the reporting institutions. The changeover in routines also means that more statistics will be collected from a larger population, which further contributes to the delay.

As it is of value to the financial markets to gain access to the statistics as soon as possible, a decision has been taken to publish preliminary statistics that have not yet undergone the normal examination and have been adjusted for statistics not yet received.

This means that the statistics will very probably be revised. The Riksbank nevertheless assesses that the quality of the statistics is sufficient to provide a good picture of the development of the essential monetary aggregates. Final publication of the statistics for the months up to April will be before the end of July.

Further information can be obtained from the Financial Stability Department, Johan Pettersson, tel.: +46-8-787 06 22, e-mail:

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