Jan Bergqvist appointed new Chairman of the General Council of the Riksbank

At today's inaugural meeting of the General Council, Jan Bergqvist was appointed Chairman. Johan Gernandt was appointed Vice Chairman. The General Council of the Riksbank consists of 11 members and 11 deputies, all of whom are elected by the Riksdag.

The members of the General Council are: Deputies are:
Jan Bergqvist Carin Lundberg
Sinnika Bohlin Sonia Karlsson
Johan Gernandt Stephan Tolstoy
Bengt Westerberg Camilla Dahlin
Lennart Nilsson Lars U Granberg
Kjell Nordström Marianne Carlström
Mats Odell Göran Hägglund
Kenneth Kvist Siv Holma
Susanne Eberstein Tomas Eneroth
Peter Egardt Margareta af Ugglas
Karin Pilsäter Tommy Waidelich


A meeting plan for the second half of 2002 was also decided at the General Council's meeting.


Date Time Event
15-11-2002 1 p.m. Meeting of the General Council
13-12-2002 1 p.m. Meeting of the General Council
24-01-2003 1 p.m. Meeting of the General Council

Any questions can be answered by Björn Hasselgren, tel. +46-8-787 04 72 or Tomas Lundberg, tel. +46-8-787 02 15.

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