Srejber: Important to continue the work on improving the Swedish economy

"The Swedish economy has now shown price stability and a relatively high growth rate over a number of years. One condition for this development has been that monetary and fiscal policy have complemented one another and that both have been directed towards re-establishing and maintaining macroeconomic stability." This comment came from Second Deputy Governor of the Riksbank Eva Srejber, during a speech given at a meeting arranged by Nordea in London.

"The mutually reinforcing effects of a monetary and a fiscal policy directed towards macroeconomic stability and the structural policy measures taken are an important explanation for the good economic development in recent years. The Swedish economy has moved away from detailed regulations, devaluation cycles and national perspectives towards an economy with well-developed credit markets, deregulation, increased international openness and a tax system that better promotes growth. All this has contributed to a better functioning economy.

If Sweden continues further along the same path, the prospects for continuing positive developments are good. In order to fully benefit from the growth opportunities offered by, for example, new technology, it is necessary to further adapt the rules and regulations in different markets, i.e. what is known as the market economy's infrastructure and game rules. This would further improve the functioning of the economy."

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