The Riksbank signs a new primary dealer agreement with Nordbanken and Unibank

Nordbanken AB (publ) and Unibank A/S are primary dealers on the money and bond market and on the foreign exchange market. The institutions are now part of the same group, Nordic Baltic Holding (currently changing its name). The Riksbank has signed a new primary dealer agreement for the money and bond market with Nordbanken and Unibank, which replaces the former agreements with respective institutions. The new agreement entered into force on 3 July 2000.

The existing primary dealer agreements on the foreign exchange market with Nordbanken and Unibank are for the time being unchanged.

Primary dealers on the foreign exchange market, 12 institutions

ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank NA, London
Citibank N.A., London
Crédit Agricole Indosuez, London
Den Danske Bank A/S, Copenhagen
FöreningsSparbanken AB
HSBC Midland, London
Nordbanken AB
Svenska Handelsbanken
UBS AG, London and Zürich
Unibank A/S, Köpenhamn

Primary dealers on the money and bond market, 7 institutions

ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Stockholm
Danske Bank Consensus
E. Öhman J:or Fondkommission AB
FöreningsSparbanken AB
Nordbanken AB and Unibank A/S, Stockholm and Copenhagen
Svenska Handelsbanken

Further information can be obtained from the Market Operations Department:
Tomas Thyblad, chief dealer, tel. +46 8 696 68 18 and Magnus Vesterlund, head of division, tel. +46 8 787 06 49

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