The Riksbank's survey of bank rates

During the second quarter the average level of bank lending rates moved down
0.2 of a percentage point, accompanied by no change in the average deposit rate, 2.4 per cent. At the end of the second quarter the gap between bank lending and deposit rates was 4.2 percentage points. These figures come from the Riksbank's survey of bank rates at end June 1998.

The 6-month T-bill rate fell 0.5 percentage points in the second quarter.

The survey of the bank rates is published in the latest issue of Financial Market Statistics no 7, August 1998. The survey of mortgage institutions rates is delayed and will be published in the issue of Financial Market Statistics no 8, September 1998.

Copies of Financial Market Statistics no 7, August 1998 are available at the Riksbank entrances at 11 Brunkebergstorg and 7 Malmskillnadsgatan. They can also be ordered from the Information Centre: fax Int.+46 8 787 05 26, telephone Int.+46 8 787 01 00 or e-mail: The information can also be found on Internet:

For further information please contact the Financial Statistics Department: Enar Olofsson, telelephone Int.+46 8 787 01 38 or e-mail:
or Kristina Löfstrand, telephone Int.+46 8 787 05 62 or e-mail:

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