Riksbank macroprudential conference 21-22 June


On 21-22 June, the Riksbank is arranging an annual conference on macroprudential policy, the Riksbank macroprudential conference. The conference is aimed at an international audience of specially invited decision makers, prominent academics and representatives of the financial sector.

In conjunction with the conference, an open seminar will also be held aimed at a wider audience, including journalists, with selected participants from the conference. The open seminar will be held on 21 June at 08.00-09.30 at the Stockholm School of Economics together with the Swedish House of Finance. A panel discussion will be held on the theme of how prepared the European and US banking systems are for new challenges, in light of both experiences from the financial crisis and new regulatory frameworks. Decision makers, journalists, academics and representatives of the financial sector are warmly welcome to participate in this seminar.

More information on the conference, and on the seminar and how to register for it can be found here. Riksbank macroprudential conference.

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