How to tell whether a banknote is genuine


Are counterfeit banknotes a large problem in Sweden? The answer is no – the figure is extremely low compared with other currencies.
Security strip, 1,000-krona banknote

All of the new banknotes are very secure and difficult to counterfeit due to their modern security features. So far this year, about 300 counterfeit banknotes have been detected. Of these, just under 200 were of the new banknote series. And, of these, about 120 were counterfeits of the new 1,000-krona banknote. This is a very low figure. However, if you are concerned about receiving a counterfeit banknote, there is a simple way that you can check yourself whether the banknote is genuine – tilt it.


The new banknotes each have an image connected to the person depicted on the banknote, such as a strip of film on the 100-krona banknote and an olive branch on the 1,000-krona banknote. The image changes colour between gold and green when you tilt the banknote.


The 100, 200, 500 and 1,000-krona banknotes also feature a security band with images that move and change motif between the letters KR and a royal crown when you tilt the banknote.

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