Many people know we will be getting new banknotes and coins – but not when


Many people know that our banknotes and coins are to be replaced, but fewer are aware of the date of the changeover. This is the result of a Riksbank-commissioned survey of the general public and employees within banking and the retail trade.

Over 90 per cent of bank employees know that our banknotes and coins will be replaced over 2015–2017. Awareness is also high among the general public and employees in the retail trade, about 80 per cent.

Timetable less well-known

On the other hand, not as many know which dates apply for the banknote and coin changeover. Awareness that the 20-, 50-, 200- and 1,000-krona banknotes will arrive in the second half of 2015 is at 63 per cent for bank employees and between 20 and 30 per cent for the general public and retail trade. Even fewer are aware that the 100- and 500-krona banknotes and the new coins will arrive in the autumn of 2016. The same is true of the dates upon which the current banknotes and coins will become invalid.

"This survey was conducted at the end of January, before we started our information campaign. This was because we want to be able to measure, later on, how well our communication initiatives have succeeded," says Tommy Persson, project leader for communications regarding the changeover. "This will also let us see whether we need to redirect our communications to better reach as many as possible."

Among other things, the information campaign, which was launched with a press conference on 16 February, will include a pamphlet to be sent to all Swedish households in September and special information materials for banks and the retail trade. Information on the banknote and coin changeover can also be found on the Riksbank's website and on the Facebook page "Kolla pengarna".

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