Invitation to press meeting on household debts


In conjunction with the Economic Commentary "How indebted are Swedish households?", published on 7 May, the Riksbank invites you to a press meeting.


Swedish households' debts have grown substantially in recent years and are high from a historical perspective. As the Riksbank has emphasised in various contexts, this entails risks for both macroeconomic development and financial stability.


Last summer, the Riksbank gathered credit information on all borrowers from the eight largest banks with the aim of facilitating better analyses of how household debt has developed over time and on the individual and household levels.


The results are presented in the Economic Commentary.


At the press meeting, Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley and Kasper Roszbach, Head of the Financial Stability Department, will present the analysis and conclusions of the compiled data material. Both will be available to answer questions after the presentation.


The press meeting will be held at the Riksbank on Wednesday 7 May at 11.00. Press cards or the equivalent must be shown to attend the press meeting.

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Press Office, tel. +46-(0)8-787 0200

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