Economic commentary: The significance of collective pension saving for the Swedish financial system


Swedish households’ collective pension saving in the form of funded provisions within occupational and premium pensions amounts to almost SEK 2,400 billion. This saving forms a large and growing share of household assets. As such large amounts are allocated, the pension system can affect both households’ incentives to save in other forms and their ability to do so.

In this commentary, the authors suggest that both Swedish households and banks have a completely different situation today than from twenty years ago and that this could be partly connected to the pension system. For example, collective pension saving may be of great significance for household indebtedness and for the banks’ market funding, but these connections should be investigated in more detail than in this commentary.


Read the Economic Commentary: The significance of collective pension saving for the Swedish financial system


By Christian Nilsson, Jonas Söderberg and Anders Vredin

The authors work in the Monetary Policy Department, the Financial Stability Department and the General Secretariat.

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