Sweden publishes the IMF’s view of Sweden’s economy and financial sector


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed its annual review of the economic situation in Sweden. Representatives of the IMF today present their view of the Swedish economy, as well as the results of the examination of the Swedish financial sector that was carried out earlier this year.


A delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completes its annual visit to Sweden today. The visit forms part of the consultations that the IMF regularly has with its member countries, the so-called Article IV consultations. Earlier this year, the IMF also conducted a special review of the financial sector in Sweden within the framework of a Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). The delegation has met, among others, representatives of the Riksbank, the Ministry of Finance, the National Institute of Economic Research, the Swedish National Debt Office and Finansinspektionen, as well as representatives of the Swedish banks. A statement is published today in which Peter Doyle, the head of the delegation for the Article IV Consultation, and Ghiath Shabsigh, the head of the IMF delegation for Sweden’s FSAP, present their views on the Swedish economy and financial sector. The statement is attached below. A complete report will be published on the websites of the IMF and the Riksbank following approval by the Board of the IMF.

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