New technology platform for the RIX payment system is now in operation


Over the past weekend the Riksbank switched to a new technology system and a new platform for the RIX payment system. Extensive testing was carried out in co-operation with the participants in the RIX system - banks, clearing organisations and the Swedish National Debt Office - prior to the launch of the new system. All participants were well-prepared for the transition to the new system. So far the new system is running smoothly and all payments between banks and other RIX participants are functioning normally. 


RIX, the Riksbank’s funds transfer system, is the hub of the Swedish payment system in that all payments between banks and other agents eventually pass through RIX. The Riksbank thus functions as the banks' bank.


The new technology platform provides a more modern environment and a system with more modern services, such as more efficient liquidity management in that less liquidity needs to be set aside in the system in order to carry out transactions.

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