The Riksbank’s international consultation responses

Date Header
Swedish response to the Commission Call for evidence consultation 388 kB
The Swedish Government’s and the Swedish Authorities’ joint response to the Consultation Document of the European Commission: “Covered Bonds in the European Union” 612 kB
The Swedish Government and the Swedish authorities common answer to the Commission consultation paper on the possible impact of the CRR and CRD IV on bank financing of the economy. 166 kB
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the Public Consultation on Regulation (EU) 648/2012 on OTC-derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
Response by Sveriges Riksbank and Swedish National Debt Office to Consultation Paper on Clearing Obligation under EMIR (no 4) 261 kB
The Swedish Government and the Swedish authorities’ common answer to the Commission consultation on the Prospectus Directive 370 kB
The Swedish Government and the Swedish authorities’ common answer to the Commission consultation on securitisation 295 kB
The Swedish Government and the Swedish authorities’ common answer to the Commission Green Paper on building a Capital Markets Union 366 kB
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to ESMA’s consultation paper on the technical standards under the CSD Regulation
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the consultation on the review of the European System of Financial Supervision
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the consultation paper ”Reforming the structure of the EU banking sector” 543 kB
Swedish Authorities’ Response to the Green Paper on Long-term Financing of the European Economy 326 kB
Consultation response to the report Preventing and managing financial crises (SOU 2013:6) 2 MB
Separate statement of opinion on the Riksbank's consultation response to the report Preventing and managing financial crises (SOU 2013:6) 64 kB
Joint response by the Swedish authorities Sveriges Riksbank, Finansinspektionen and Riksgäldskontoret to the DG Internal Market and Services ”Consultation on a possible recovery and resolution framework for financial institutions other than banks 142 kB
Swedish Authorities’ Response to the Consultation on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) - Product Rules, Liquidity Management, Depositary, Money Market Funds, Long-term Investments 136 kB
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the report by the high-level Expert Group on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector 50 kB
Swedish Authorities’ Response to the Green Paper on Shadow Banking 110 kB
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to consultation regarding the European Commission’s Green Paper on card, internet and mobile payments 72 kB
The Executive Board’s consultation response to the report ”Evaluation of the Riksbank’s monetary policy and work with financial stability 2005-2010” (2010/11:RFR5) 441 kB
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the FSB Consultative Document Effective Resolution of Systemically Important Financial Institutions dated 19 July 2011 105 kB
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation by the Commission on an Initiative for the Taxation of the Financial Sector 163 kB
Response by Swedish authorities to the Consultation by the Commission on Counterparty Credit Risk 166 kB
Swedish answers to the DG Internal Market and Services Working Document “Technical details of a possible EU framework for bank recovery and resolution” 341 kB
Response to the consultation on CSDs and on the harmonisation of certain aspects of securities settlement in the European Union 179 kB
Joint Response by the Riksbank and Finansinspektionen to Commission Communication on Supervisory Sanctions, COM (2010) 716 final 60 kB
Response by Swedish authorities to the Consultation by the Commission on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) 170 kB
Swedish joint response to the Commission consultation on the Level 2 implementing measures for Solvency 2 187 kB
Sveriges Riksbank’s response to the Consultation by the European Commission on the UCITS depositary function and on the UCITS managers’ remuneration 100 kB
Joint response to the European Commission’s public consultation on credit rating agencies 96 kB
Response by the Swedish Authorities to the Commission Consultation Document on Countercyclical Capital Buffers 90 kB
Response by Swedish authorities to the European Commission´s public consultation on short selling 87 kB
Response by the Swedish authorities to the Consultation by the Commission on Derivatives and Market Infrastructures 77 kB
Response by Swedish authorities to the Commission services Consultation regarding further possible changes to the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) 205 kB
Swedish answers to the Commission Communication “An EU framework for Cross-Border Crisis Management in the Banking Sector” 200 kB
Sveriges Riksbank's reponse to the EU consultation on the adoption of ISAs in the EU, 15 September 2009
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation by the European Commission on the UCITS Depository Function, September 2009
Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s consultation on possible further changes to Directives 2006/48/EC and 2206/49/EC (the Capital Requirement Directive)
Response by Finansinspektionen and Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation by the European Commission on Possible initiatives to enhance the resilience of OTC Deriva-tives Markets
Sveriges Riksbank's reponse to the EU consultation on responsible lending and borrowing in the EU
Sveriges Riksbank's reponse to the EU consultation the Report of the Expert Group on Credit Histories
Sveriges Riksbank's reponse to the EU consultation on the review of the Directive 94/19/EU on Deposit Guarantee Schemes
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the European Commission’s Consultation on possible end-date(s) for Single Euro Payments Area, SEPA, migration
Response by Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation on Commissions Communication of 27 May 2009 on European Financial Supervision
Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s call for evidence on Directive 2003/6/EC on insider dealing and market manipulation (MAD)
Response by Finansinspektionen and Sveriges Riksbank to Commission´s proposals for amendments of Directive 2006/48/EC with regard to remuneration policy issues
Response by Finansinspektionen and Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation on the future of financial services supervision in the EU 33 kB
Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s call for evidence on Directive 1997/9/EC on investor-compensation schemes (ICSD)
Riksbankens svar på Standard & Poor’s föreslagna förändring av kreditvärderingsmetodologi för säkerställda obligationer
Response on the settlement of transactions denominated in Swedish kronor in TARGET2 Securities 720 kB
Response by Finansinspektionen and Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation by the European Commission on Hedge Funds, 30 January 2008
Response by the Riksbank to the Commission’s consultation on Amendments to Commission Decisions establishing CESR, CEBS & CEIOPS
Response by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and Sveriges Riksbank to the Consultation by the Commission services on Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs), 5 September 2008
Response by Swedish authorities to the Commission’s consultation on potential changes in the CRD
The EU Public consultation on the reorganisation and winding-up of credit institutions 97 kB
The Executive Board’s consultation response to the report ”An Evaluation of Swedish Monetary Policy between 1995 and 2005” (2006/07:RFI1) (060-1070-06/07) 404 kB
Comments on proposed changes to the Board of Governors' of the Federal Reserve System's Policy on Payments System Risk (Docket No. OP-1259)
Deposit Guarantee Schemes: report on minimum guarantee levels – Swedish responses
Comments to the Green paper on Mortgage Credit
Comments on the Commission's Green Paper on the enhancement of the EU framework for investment funds
Answers to the Commissions consultative working paper on deposit guarantee schemes
Comments to the Commission's Green Paper on Financial Services Policy (2005-2010)