Inflation, Unemployment and Monetary Policy

15 February 2013

Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, Sweden



09:00 Registration and coffee 

Session I

Chair: Marianne Nessén, Sveriges Riksbank


09:30 Welcome address by Marianne Nessén, Head of the Monetary Policy Department, Sveriges Riksbank


09:40 “Inflation Dynamics and the Great Recession: An Update”

Laurence M. Ball, Johns Hopkins University

Sandeep Mazumder, Wake Forest University

Discussant: Henrik Jensen, University of Copenhagen


10:40 “The Case for Temporary Inflation in the Eurozone”

Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Columbia University Martin Uribe, Columbia University

Discussant: Eric M. Leeper, Indiana University


11:40 Coffee


12:00 “Forecasting Inflation”

Jon Faust, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Jonathan Wright, Johns Hopkins University

Discussant: Ragnar Nymoen, University of Oslo


13:00 Lunch at Sveriges Riksbank 

Session II

Chair: Ulf Söderström, Sveriges Riksbank


14:00 “The Possible Unemployment Cost of Average Inflation Below a Credible Target”

Lars E.O. Svensson, Sveriges Riksbank

Discussant: Lars Ljungqvist, Stockholm School of Economics and New York University


15:00 Coffee


15:20 ”Notes for a New Guide to Keynes (I): Wages, Aggregate Demand, and Employment”

Jordi Galí, Centro de Recerca en Economia Internacional

Discussant: Per Krusell, Institute for International Economic Studies


16:20 Concluding discussion

Chair: Ulf Söderström, Sveriges Riksbank


17:20 Adjourn


19:00 Dinner at Sveriges Riksbank (by separate invitation)


Time allocation

Presentation: 35 minutes

Discussant: 15 minutes

Open discussion: 10 minutes


Organizing committee

Gabriela Guibourg, Sveriges Riksbank

Ulf Söderström, Sveriges Riksbank


Local organization

Lena Löfgren, Sveriges Riksbank

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