Results of auctions 2017-10-19

19 October 2017 Results of Auctions
Auction date 2017-10-19
Loan 1057
ISIN-code SE0004869071
Coupon 1.50 %
Maturity 2023-11-13
Tendered volume, mln SEK 500 +/- 250
Volume offered, mln SEK 900
Volume bought, mln SEK 500
Number of bids 4
Number of accepted bids 3
Average yield 0.173 %
Lowest accepted yield 0.171 %
Highest yield 0.181 %
% accepted at lowest yield 66.67


19 October 2017 Results of Auctions
Auction date 2017-10-19
Loan 1059
ISIN-code SE0007125927
Coupon 1.00 %
Maturity 2026-11-12
Tendered volume, mln SEK 625 +/- 250
Volume offered, mln SEK 1,325
Volume bought, mln SEK 625
Number of bids 6
Number of accepted bids 4
Average yield 0.566 %
Lowest accepted yield 0.561 %
Highest yield 0.575 %
% accepted at lowest yield 52.00

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