Welcome by Eva Srejber, Deputy Governor, Sveriges Riksbank
Keynote Lecture by Alberto Alesina, Harvard Univeristy
Session 1: Term Limits
“Squawk and capture: Influencing Appointed Regulators”, by Clare Leaver, Oxford
Discussant: Torsten Persson, IIES Stockholm
“Term Limits and Electoral Accountability”, by Michael Smart, University of Toronto, and Daniel Sturm, University of Munich and LSE
Discussant: Marco Pagano, University of Salerno
Session 2: Globalization, goals and conflicts
“Agency problems and goal conflicts“ by Robert Eisenbeis, Atlanta Fed.
Discussant: Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam
“Burden sharing in a banking crisis in Europe” by Charles Goodhart, LSE, and Dirk Schoenmaker, Free University Amsterdam
Discussant: Philipp Hartmann, ECB
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