Joint website page for Swedish economic and financial statistics

As of today the Riksbank’s website has been extended to include a page for Swedish economic and financial statistics. The latest outcome figures for Swedish economic and financial statistics are presented on the page, which covers a wide range and therefore provides a good overview of current economic tendencies in Sweden.


‘A major advantage is that users can proceed from this page via links to the authorities that produce the statistics. This makes Swedish economic statistics more accessible for users in Sweden as well as elsewhere,’ says Gunnar Blomberg, deputy head of the Financial Statistics Department, where the page has been developed.


The new page is a result of Sweden’s undertaking with the International Monetary Fund as regards the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). The page contains the statistical series that SDDS calls for and its introduction by Sweden fulfils the SDDS requirements in respect of the publication and dissemination of economic and financial statistics.


The page will be updated on a daily basis. The material is provided by the following authorities: Statistics Sweden, Sveriges Riksbank, the National Debt Office, the National Financial Management Authority and the National Institute of Economic Research.


For more information, please contact the Financial Statistics Department:
Gunnar Blomberg, telephone +46 8 787 01 46 deputy head e-mail:
Enar Olofsson telephone +46 8 787 01 38

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