Report on gold purchases to be presented around the turn of 1997

The Committee set up to examine the Riksbank's archives and report on any records of purchases of gold from Germany during World War Two is not expected to conclude its assignment until the turn of 1997.

The work was to have been completed around the turn of August 1997 but the assignment has turned out to be more extensive and complicated than could have been expected from the start. Moreover, the Commission on Jewish Assets in Sweden at the Time of World War Two has recently requested some supplementary and extended work by the Committee.

It was in December 1996 that the Riksbank decided to appoint a committee to take a closer look at the Riksbank's purchases of gold from Germany during World War Two. The work has been in progress since the middle of February 1997.

For further information please contact:
Peder Bjursten, Associate Judge of Appeal, telephone: Int. +46 010 640 31 26
Christel Lundmark, Associate Judge of Appeal, telephone: Int. +46 8 787 06 71.

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