Primary dealer agreements with SBC Warburg and Unibank

The Riksbank has concluded a primary dealer agreement for the money and bond market with Unibank in Copenhagen. Moreover, a primary dealer agreement for the foreign exchange market has been concluded with SBC Warburg in Zurich. Both agreements come into force on 1 July 1997.

The Riksbank's primary dealers are as follows:

Ten in the foreign exchange market

Crédit Agricole Indosuez Stockholm Branch
Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., London
Citibank N.A., London
Midland Bank plc, London
SBC Warburg, Zurich
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
Swedbank (Sparbanken Sverige AB)
Svenska Handelsbanken
Unibank, Copenhagen

Eleven in the money market

Alfred Berg Transferator Fondkommission AB
Consensus Fondkommission AB
E. Öhman J:or Fondkommission AB
Erik Penser Fondkommission AB
JP Bank
Midland Bank plc, London
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
Swedbank (Sparbanken Sverige AB)
Svenska Handelsbanken
Unibank, Copenhagen

For further information please contact the Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Department:
Christina Lindenius, deputy head, phone Int. +46 8 787 04 69,
e-mail: christina

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