Meet the Riksbank in Almedalen


Deputy Governors Cecilia Skingsley and Martin Flodén will be in Almedalen on 6 and 7 July. Here’s where you can meet them:

The Riksbank's seminar: How do we make payments today and tomorrow?

Fewer and fewer Swedes are paying by cash, but why is the changeover happening so fast and can everyone keep up? Will cash disappear? And if so, how do we facilitate the changeover?


Panel debate with:


  • Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley, Sveriges Riksbank
  • Christina Rehnberg, national coordinator for Basic payment services on behalf of the county administrative boards and project manager for innovation procurement of payment services
  • Marie Halling, CEO, ICA Banken
  • Niklas Arvidsson, Associate Professor of Industrial Dynamics, researching into mobile payments and future payment systems, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
  • Lars-Åke Edenfeldt, Head of Cash Management Operations, Danske Bank
  • Bengt Hedlund, CEO, Butikerna
  • Mia Odabas will act as moderator.

When: Thursday 7 July, 09.00-10.00.
Where: Sävesalen, Mellangatan 19 (Gotlands Museum). How to get there:


The Riksbank's latest interest rate decision and the prospects for monetary policy

Deputy Governor Martin Flodén will be talking interest rate decisions and monetary policy together with Lena Hagman, Chief Economist at Almega, and Anna Breman, Chief Economist at Swedbank.


When: Wednesday 6 July, 13.00.
Where: Restaurant Amarillo, Schweitzergränd 5B, Visby.




Cecilia Skingsley and Martin Flodén will also participate in the following seminars and debates:

On 6 July at 12.30, Cecilia Skingsley will take part in Dagen industri's "Hot Seat": The interest rate, activity and the economic outlook nationally and internationally. Where: Donners plats 2, Visby.


On 6 July at 16.00, Martin Flodén will take part in a panel debate: How close is Sweden to a financial crisis? Where: Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3, Visby.


On 7 July at 12.30, Martin Flodén will face questions from Svenska Dagbladet: What happens to negative interest rates, mortgages and housing prices? Where: Hamnplan, H225, Visby.

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