Every household in Sweden has on average SEK 779 in coins. This was revealed in a survey carried out by the Riksbank. It means that there is around SEK 3.7 billion* in coins lying around in, for instance, piggy banks, jars and drawers. All of the current coins, with the exception of the 10-krona coin, will become in valid in 2017. It is therefore wise to begin using your coins now.
In October 2016 the new 1-krona, 2-krona and 5-krona coins will be introduced. The 10-krona coin will remain unchanged. Nine months later, after 30 June 2017, the current 1-krona, 2-krona and 5-krona coins will become invalid. In total, almost 1.7 billion coins, worth SEK 2.7 billion, will become invalid.
If everyone waits until 2017 to use their coins, shops and banks may have a problem accepting them all. And you may find it difficult to spend them all before they become invalid. It is therefore important to start using the coins you have at home now. The easiest thing to do is spend them. You can also contact your bank to ask how to deposit them in an account instead. The Riksbank's survey was carried out in January 2015.
*1-krona, 2-krona, 5-krona and 10-krona coins