The Riksbank to take over calculation of KIX weights


Since June 2007, the Riksbank has been publishing a daily index for the effective nominal exchange rate, calculated with weights in terms of KIX ("krona index"), which is an index produced by the National Institute of Economic Research (NIER). The KIX weights have previously been calculated by NIER. In accordance with an agreement between the Riksbank and NIER, the Riksbank will take over responsibility for calculating KIX weights from 2016. The calculations will be made using the same method as before.


Updated weights for 2016 are now available on the Riksbank's website. The weights for 2016 are calculated using data up until 2013, as data is published with a time lag. More information about the method used to calculate the weights can be found in the article "Effective exchange rates – theory and practice" and on NIER's website.


As before, the Riksbank also publishes an index for the effective nominal exchange rate calculated using TCW weights ("total competitiveness weights").

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