The Riksbank and Statistics Sweden extend their cooperation on statistics


The Riksbank and Statistics Sweden have today reached agreement on extending their cooperation on economic statistics. The agreement has been signed by the Governor of the Riksbank, Stefan Ingves, and the Director General of Statistics Sweden, Stefan Lundgren, and means among other things that the two authorities will:

  • Improve the coordination of the work on statistics within the respective authorities' areas of responsibility.
  • Discuss and exchange information on European and international statistical work.
  • Extend their cooperation at all levels by means of a structure for forms of consultation at both the strategic and operational levels.

"The aim of this agreement is to create a framework for a long-term and trusting collaboration between the Riksbank and Statistics Sweden in their roles as bodies responsible for economic statistics of different types in their respective operational fields," says Jyry Hokkanen, head of the Statistics Division at the Riksbank.

The Riksbank and Statistics Sweden are responsible for different types of economic statistics that are used daily by analysts, the public and the media. One of the tasks of the Riksbank is to make public statistical data concerning foreign exchange and credit conditions on an ongoing basis. Within the framework of this responsibility, the Riksbank has commissioned Statistics Sweden to produce financial statistics. The agreement also covers these statistics and data.

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