Economic commentary: Sweden has had a stable financial surplus for many years – but where did the money go?


Sweden has had a substantial surplus on its current account, and thereby also a corresponding financial surplus, for a long time. Nevertheless, Sweden's international wealth has developed very slowly.

This Economic Commentary indicates some potential causes of this:


  • One explanation is that changes in the prices of financial assets have contributed during certain periods to a poorer value trend in wealth.
  • Another explanation is that the reported net international investment position has probably been underestimated as a result of the accounting principle used for direct investment.
  • Finally, the authors point to gaps in the statistics. This includes Swedes' cross-border assets not being adequately captured in the statistics. There are strong reasons to improve the statistics in this field.

Read the entire commentary: Sweden has had a stable financial surplus for many years – but where did the money go?



By Gunnar Blomberg, Sofia Kåhre and Anders Lindström
The authors are employed at the Riksbank's Monetary Policy Department

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