Evaluation of monetary policy


The Riksdag Committee on Finance today published the report “Evaluation of the Riksbank’s monetary policy and work with financial stability 2005-2010” by Professor Charles Goodhart and Professor Jean-Charles Rochet.


”The evaluation is an excellent initiative and an important contribution to the Riksdag’s monitoring of our work. Openness is an important part of the effort to generate confidence in the work we do. We therefore welcome the fact that this time the evaluation also covers financial stability. The evaluation also provides an important contribution to the development of our internal development work. We will now read the report and review the proposals put forward by the two professors with great care,” says the Governor of the Riksbank, Stefan Ingves.


Tomorrow, Wednesday 31 August, Governor Stefan Ingves will take part in the Committee on Finance’s open hearing on the evaluation together with Professor Charles Goodhart and Professor Jean-Charles Rochet. Martin Andersson, Director General of Finansinspektionen, and Professor John Hassler of Stockholm University will also participate and present their views on the report. The hearing will be held between 10.00–12.30 in Förstakammarsalen, entrance from Riksgatan 2 (for the media) and Riksplan (for the public). Following the hearing the Governor of the Riksbank will be available to answer questions from the media.


The Riksbank will present more detailed comments on the evaluation in connection with the approaching consultative procedure.


In the summer of 2010, the Committee on Finance decided to conduct a second evaluation of the Riksbank’s monetary policy. This evaluation also covers the work with financial stability. The Committee appointed Charles Goodhart, Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics (LSE) and head of the Regulation and Financial Stability research programme at the LSE’s Financial Markets Group Research Centre, and Jean-Charles Rochet, Professor of Mathematics and Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and currently Professor at the Institute for Banking and Finance at University of Zürich, to perform the evaluation.


The report can be downloaded from the Riksdag’s website, see the link below.

The Riksbank’s comment on the evaluation will be published on the website at the same time as the hearing begins, that is at 10.00 on Wednesday 31 August.

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