The General Council’s consultation response to the report “Evaluation of the Riksbank’s monetary policy and work with financial stability 2005-2010” (2010/11:RFR5)
DNR 2011-639-STA
The General Council of the Riksbank welcomes the report's predominantly positive assessment of the Riksbank's work with monetary policy and financial stability, as well as its views and suggestions for improvements in certain areas. In its oversight role, the General Council wishes to emphasise how important it is that the Riksbank's work with monetary policy and financial stability is carried out efficiently and with a high level of competence. The General Council is pleased to see that the evaluators' recommendations are in line with the submission the Riksbank made to the Riksdag in 2010 and that subsequently resulted in the setting-up of the Financial Crisis Commission. The General Council's assessment is that at present there is no reason to make changes to the Executive Board's division of responsibility.