
The Riksbank’s Research Division holds a series of seminars where international researchers present their research. These seminars are usually held once a week on Tuesdays between 13:00 and 14:00 including questions and comments from the participants.

If you have any questions, please contact Ferre De Graeve.


  • January 2013

    • Job talk: Joachim Jungherr, European University Institute

      Firm Financing, Uncertainty, and Macroeconomic Fluctuations

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    • Job talk: Paola Boel, Bowdoin College

      On the Redistributive Effects of Inflation: an International Perspective

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    • Job talk: Christoph Bertsch, University College London

      A Model of Liquidity Provision with Adverse Selection

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    • Job talk: Claudia Lambert, Goethe-University Frankfurt

      How do banks react to increased asset risks? Evidence from Hurricane Katrina

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    • Job talk: Hyunduk Suh, Indiana University

      Macroprudential Policy: Its Effects and Relationship to Monetary Policy

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    • Job talk: Silvio Petroconi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

      Bank Competition, Information Choice and Inefficient Lending Booms

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    • Job talk: Conny Olovsson, IIES

      Why do income and productivity differ in OECD countries?

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    • Job talk: Emanuela Iancu, Stockholm School of Economics

      Financial Networks, Interbank Market Breakdowns and Contagion

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  • February 2013

    • Job talk: Christian Friedrich, Graduate Institute of Internatio

      Does Financial Integration Increase Welfare? Evidence From International Household-Level Data

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    • Job talk: Isaiah Hull, Boston College

      Interest Rate Rules and Mortgage Default

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    • Job talk: Lien Laureys, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

      The Cost of Human Capital Depreciation during Unemployment

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    • Job talk: Jonas Arias, Duke University

      Banks' Borrowing Costs and Default Risk

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    • Job talk: Björn Ohl, Stockholm School of Economics

      Information Acquisition and Learning from Prices over the Business Cycle

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    • Job talk: Toni Ahnert, London School of Econmics

      Crisis, Coordination, and Contagion

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    • Pascal Michaillat, LSE

      A Theory of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand as Functions of Market Tightnesswith Prices as Parameters

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  • March 2013

    • Jan de Loecker, Princeton University

      Reallocation and Technology: Evidence from the U.S. Steel Industry

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    • Tomasz Piskorski, Real Estate at Columbia Business School

      Policy Intervention in Debt Renegotiation: Evidence from the Home Affordable Modification Program

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    • Alberto Cavallo, MIT Sloan

      Product Introductions, Currency Unions, and the Real Exchange Rate

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  • April 2013

    • Daniel Ekeblom, Lund University

      Do inflation expectations differ across groups?

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    • Evidence From a French Targeted Credit Program, Laurent Bach, Stockholm School of Economics

      Are Small Businesses Worthy of Financial Aid?

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    • Francesco Bianchi, Duke University

      Dormant Shocks and Fiscal Virtue

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  • May 2013

    • Jeff Fuhrer, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

      An overview of recent federal reserve policy and communications innovations

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    • Duan Jin-Chuan, National University of Singapore

      Cascading Defaults and Systemic Risk of a Banking System

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    • Stefania Albanesi, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

      The Gender Unemployment Gap

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    • James Bullard, President and CEO of FRB-St. Louis

      Debt Overhang and Monetary Policy

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    • Vincenzo Quadrini, University of Southern California

      Risky Investment with Limited Enforcement

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    • Michael Hutchison, UCSC

      Credit Ratings and the Pricing of Sovereign Debt during the Euro Crisis

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    • Philippe Aghion, Harvard University

      Capital Versus Labor Income Taxation with Innovation-Led Growth

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  • June 2013

    • Michael Woodford, Columbia University

      Monetary Policy and Financial Stability

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    • John Williams, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

      Excessive Optimism, Leverage, and Boom and Bust Cycles

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    • Javier Bianchi, University of Wisconsin - Madison

      Overborrowing, Financial Crises and `Macro-prudential' Policy

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    • Jesper Lindé, Board of Governors

      Fiscal Multipliers in a Nonlinear World

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  • July 2013

  • August 2013

  • September 2013

    • Charles Evans, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


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    • Saki Bigio, Columbia University

      Banks, Liquidity Management and Monetary Policy

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    • Andrew Patton, Duke University

      Time-Varying Systemic Risk: Evidence from a Dynamic Copula Model of CDS Spreads

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    • Anil Kashyap, University of Chicago

      How does capital and liquidity regulation change bank credit supply?

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  • October 2013

    • Raf Wouters, National Bank of Belgium

      Endogenous risk in a DSGE model with capital-constrained financial intermediaries

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    • Valerie Ramey, University of California, San Diego

      Government Spending in Good Times and in Bad: Evidence from U.S. Historical Data

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    • Ellen McGrattan, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

      On financing retirement with an aging population

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    • Eduoard Schaal, New York University

      Uncertainty Traps

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    • David Andolfatto, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


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    • Frederic Vermeulen, KU Leuven


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  • November 2013

    • Klaus Adam, University of Mannheim

      Stock Price Booms and Expected Capital Gain

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    • Bernd Schwaab, ECB

      Assessing asset purchases within the ECB's Securities Markets Programme

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    • Alexander Ljungqvist, NYU Stern

      On the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy: Micro Evidence from Contiguous Border Counties

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  • December 2013

    • Frederic Malherbe, London Business School

      Optimal capital requirements over the business and financial cycles 

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    • Brian Melzer, Kellogg School of Management

      Unemployment Insurance and Consumer Credit

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    • Alessia Campolmi, Central Bank of Hungary


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