Last chance to use the older 50-krona and 1,000-krona notes as payment


There are now only two weeks to go before the older versions of the 50-krona and 1,000-krona banknotes, those without a foil strip, become invalid. After 31 December you will no longer be able to pay with them. However, it will still be possible to deposit them in a bank account until 28 February.

Until 31 December you can still use older versions of the 50-krona and 1,000-krona banknotes without a foil strip to make payments as usual.


"Make sure you use these notes before the end of the year, or deposit them in a bank account," says Christina Wejshammar, Head of the Cash Management Division at the Riksbank.


Bear in mind that there may be limits as to how much cash the banks and retail trade can receive at once.


Since the start of the year, 9 million of the older 1,000-krona banknotes have been handed in. But at the start of December there were still around 5 million 1,000-krona notes and around 4 million 50-krona notes in the older versions still in circulation.


The Riksbank started an information campaign on the withdrawal of the older versions of the 50-krona and 1,000-krona banknotes, those without a foil strip, after the summer. This campaign has included a brochure sent to all households, information to banks and retail trade outlets, various activities in the media and a Facebook page. A survey carried out in November showed that 9 out of 10 Swedes are aware that these banknotes will become invalid after 31 December 2013.


50-krona banknote without foil band,
will become invalid after 31 December 2013
50-krona banknote with foil band,
will remain valid after 31 December 2013 
50-krona banknote without foil band, will become invalid after 31 December 2013 50-krona banknote with foil band, will remain valid after 31 December 2013
1,000-krona banknote without foil band,
will become invalid after 31 December 2013
1000-krona banknote with foil band,
will remain valid after 31 December 2013
1,000-krona banknote without foil band, will become invalid after 31 December 2013    1000-krona banknote with foil band, will remain valid after 31 December 2013


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