Kai Barvèll new head of General Secretariat


At its meeting on 10 October, the Executive Board of the Riksbank appointed Kai Barvèll new head of the General Secretariat. Mr Barvèll succeeds Mats Galvenius who will be on leave of absence for two years to work abroad.

Kai Barvèll has been Head of the Market Operations Department since 2004, and has long experience of a number of other management positions held at the Riksbank previously in the fields of monetary and exchange rate policy and financial stability. He has also worked at the International Monetary Fund, IMF, during the period 2000-2003, during which he worked with issues related to payment systems and exchange rate policy.

Kai Barvèll will take up his new post on 16 October.

Deputy head of department Eva Julin will act as head of the Market Operations Department until the Executive Board appoints a new head.


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Tomas Lundberg, press officer, tel. +46 8 787 02 15

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