Riksbank issues coins to mark 250th anniversary of Royal Palace in Stockholm


The Riksbank is issuing two commemorative coins on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Palace in Stockholm; a 200-krona coin in silver and a 2,000-krona coin in gold. The coins are issued in a limited edition of 35,000 for the silver coins and 6,000 for the gold coins. The prices of the coins are set at SEK 250 and SEK 2,500 respectively.


The obverse of both coins shows the Royal Palace in Stockholm with the years 1754-2004 engraved below and the legend clockwise reads ”KUNGLIGA • SLOTTET • STOCKHOLM” (ROYAL PALACE STOCKHOLM) and beneath this “250 ÅR” (250 YEARS).



Picture of 2000-kronor jubilee coin in gold, obverse         Picture of 200-kronor jubilee coin in silver, obverse


The reverse of both coins carries a map of Stockholm, with Gamla stan (the old town) in focus and the Royal Palace marked with the Northern Pole star. Above the map are two keys. To the left of the map is the figure “2000" or “200” respectively, and beneath this “KRONOR”.




Picture of 2000-kronor jubilee coin in gold, reverse         Picture of 200-kronor jubilee coin in silver, reverse


The artist is sculptor Annie Winblad Jakubowski, who is making her debut as coin artist. The coin is minted by Nordic Coin AB Svenska myntverket in Eskilstuna.
Further information and pictures of the coins are available on this website.

The coins will go on sale from 1 October 2004. Riksbank Governor Lars Heikensten will present the coins to King Carl XVI Gustaf at the Royal Palace at a ceremony to be held on 11 October 2004. The Riksbank will also present the coins to the Royal Coin Cabinet, Sweden’s national museum of economy.

The coins can be ordered from: Nordic Coin AB Svenska myntverket’s website, telephone +46-16-42 81 00, via its sales company Myntverket Moneta on telephone +46-40-602 82 60, or be purchased in the Royal Coin Cabinet’s shop, located at Slottsbacken 6, Stockholm, or in the Royal Palace gift shop.

Contact info

Anders Ekström, tel. +46 8 787 04 82, Per-Olof Arevik, tel. +46 8 787 04 84

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