IMF evaluates financial stability in Sweden


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will visit Sweden at the invitation of the Ministry of Finance and Sveriges Riksbank both in mid-April and in August to make a special assessment of the financial sector and the public authorities’ work on financial stability, what is known as an FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program). The IMF’s report will take up any deficiencies and risks it may detect and propose measures to deal with them.

The IMF has made assessments of the financial sector in over 140 member states since the first FSAP in 1999 and interest in being assessed has grown since the financial crisis. Sweden's most recent FSAP was in 2011.

Sweden's FSAP will preliminarily be discussed at the IMF board meeting in November 2016. The report will be published afterwards. The public authorities mainly involved in the FSAP work in Sweden are the Ministry of Finance, Sveriges Riksbank, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish financial supervisory authority) and the Swedish National Debt Office.

Contact person at Sveriges Riksbank: David Farelius, 08 - 787 0186


Contact person at the Ministry of Finance, Louise Petersen, 08 - 405 4877

Contact person at Finansinspektionen Moa Cedhamre, 08 - 408 98161

Contact person at the Swedish National Debt Office: Daniel Westin, 08 - 613 5248

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Press Office +46 8 7870200

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