Access to payment services is good but making deposits is difficult


One-fifth of the Swedish population considers that the service for deposits does not meet their needs. This is shown by a fresh survey on the Swedish people’s payment habits, conducted by the Riksbank. The survey also shows that access to payment services is good and that most payments in Sweden are made using a debit card, closely followed by cash and online banking.

Mobile payments are becoming more common but cash continues to be important.

Payments made using mobile telephones and Swish are becoming increasingly common among the younger generation and among people living in urban areas. Mobile payments increase in step with rising incomes and levels of education. But cash continues to play an important role. Eight of ten people in Sweden have used cash in the last month. One in three also reports that they wouldn't be able to cope without cash in society as it is at present.


"This shows, once again, that the payment market is changing at a fast rate, which is basically positive. At the same time, the survey clearly shows that cash is still needed. This is why it is important that the banks take responsibility for cash services," says Erik Lenntorp, Head of Division.


More information in payment patterns can be found here


The survey in brief

  • Based on about 2,000 telephone interviews with individuals between the ages of 16–85
  • The Riksbank has carried out similar surveys in 2010, 2012 and 2014
  • The aim of the survey is to gain greater knowledge and understanding of the payment market and how it is developing.
  • The results have previously been presented on the Riksbank's website under the heading Payment Statistics, in the report The Swedish Financial Market, and in various other reports and research projects.


Facts on payment patterns 2016


  • The use of cards increases with rising incomes and levels of education
  • Younger users use debit cards for amounts under SEK 100 to a greater extent
  • Residents in urban areas use debit cards to a slightly greater extent


Cash usage

  • Men have more cash in their wallets
  • The proportion who never withdraw cash is highest amongst the youngest respondents
  • Using cash is more common in the group with the lowest income and education levels
  • Cash usage is slightly lower in urban areas
  • The proportion of people with over SEK 500 in their wallets is higher in smaller communities


Mobile payments

  • Younger people use mobile telephones to make payments to a much greater extent than other age groups
  • The use of mobile telephones to make payments increases with rising income and education levels
  • Access to and use of Swish is higher among people under the age of 45
  • Mobile payments are more common among residents of larger communities


Internet payments

  • The proportion buying online is greater among large households and is slightly higher among residents of urban areas

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